Happy Christmas to all our Presentation families! School closes on 20th December at 12 noon

Revised Safety Statement 2020

Health and Safety Statement

Presentation Primary School

The Board of Management of Scoil Mhuire, charged with the direct government of the school, has prepared this “Health and Safety Statement”, in accordance with the requirements of the Health, Safety and Welfare at Work Act 2005.

In doing so, it is mindful of the unique place the school occupies as an extension of the home life of the child and of the responsibilities entrusted to the personnel of the school, by the parents of the children.
Safety Statement

The Board of Management brings to the attention of its staff the following arrangements for safeguarding the safety, health and welfare of those employed and working in the school.
This policy requires the co-operation of all employees. It shall be reviewed annually or more frequently if necessary, in the light of experience, changes in legal requirements and operational changes. A safety audit shall be carried out annually by the Board of Management Safety Officer and a report made to staff. All records of accidents and ill-health will be monitored in order to ensure that any safety measures required can be put in place to minimise the recurrence of such accidents and ill-health.
The Board of Management of Presentation Primary School wishes to ensure that as far as is reasonably practical:
  • The design, provision and maintenance of all places in the school shall be safe and without risk to health
  • There shall be safe access to and from places of work
  • Plant and Machinery shall be operated safely.
  • Work systems shall be planned, organised, performed and maintained so as to be safe and without risk to health
  • Staff shall be instructed and supervised in so far as is reasonably possible so as to ensure the health and safety at work of employees.
  • Protective clothing or equivalent shall be provided as is necessary to ensure the safety and health at work of its employees.
  • Plans for emergencies shall be complied with and revised as necessary.
This statement will be continually revised by the Board of Management as necessity arises, and shall be re-examined by the Board on at least an annual basis.
Employees shall be consulted on matters of health and safety.
Provisions shall be made for the appointment by the employees of a safety representative
The Board of Management of Presentation Primary School. recognises that its statutory obligations under legislation extends to employees, students, to any person legitimately conducting school business and to the public.
The Board of Management of Presentation Primary School. undertakes to ensure that the provisions of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 are adhered to.

“Health and Safety” within the school is and always has been, an intrinsic duty incumbent on all employees and school community members, and one which calls for constant vigilance.
Duties of Employees:

  • It is the duty of every employee while at work:
  • To take reasonable care for his/her own safety, health and welfare, and that of any person who may be affected by his/her acts or omissions while at work
  • To co-operate with his/her employer and any other person to such extent as will enable his/her employer or the other person to comply with any of the relevant statutory provisions.
  • To use in such manner, so as to provide the protection intended, any suitable appliance, protective clothing, convenience, equipment or thing provided (whether for his/her lone use or for use by him/her in common with others) for securing his/her safety, health or welfare at work
  • To report to the Board of Management through the staff safety officer, without unreasonable delay, any defects in plant, equipment, place or work, or system of work, which might endanger safety, health or welfare of which he/she becomes aware.
  • No person will intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse any appliance, protective clothing, convenience or thing provided for securing safety, health or welfare of persons arising out of work activities.
  • Employees using available facilities and equipment provided should ensure that work practices are performed in the safest manner possible.

Consultation and information:
It is the policy of the Board of Management of Scoil Mhuire to consult with staff re safety audits, to give a copy of the safety statement to all present and future staff, and to convey any additional information or instructions regarding health, safety and welfare at work to all staff as it becomes available. Health, safety and welfare at work will be considered in relation to future staff training and development plans.

Hazards shall be divided into two categories. Those which can be rectified will be dealt with as a matter of urgency. Those that cannot will be clearly indicated and appropriate procedures will be put in place to cope with them. All hazards shall be eliminated in so far as resources and circumstances allow.
It is the policy of the Board of Management of Presentation Primary School that:
  • The Board of Management will ensure that an adequate supply of fire extinguishers, suitable for the type of fires likely to occur in each area, is available, identified and regularly serviced by authorised and qualified persons. Each fire extinguisher shall have instructions for its use.
  • The principal will ensure that fire drills shall take place at least once a term
  • Fire alarms shall be clearly marked. (Responsibility of Board of Management Safety Officer)
  • Signs shall be clearly visible to ensure that visitors are aware of exit doors and routes (Checked regularly by the appropriate post holder.
  • All doors, corridors and entries shall be kept clear of obstruction and shall be able to be opened at all times from within the building. Each teacher must ensure that the exit from her/his classroom is kept clear. P.E. hall and entrance lobby – principal will see that they are free of obstruction
  • Assembly area is designated outside of the building, and the location specified
  • Exit signs shall be clearly marked
  • All electrical equipment shall be left unplugged when unattended for lengthy periods and when the building is empty. Teachers are responsible for their own classroom. The secretary/Principal, as appropriate, are responsible for the office. Staff room is every teacher’s responsibility. Cleaner to check when cleaning.
  • Assistant Principal 1 is responsible for fire drills and evacuation procedures
  • The school will endeavour to implement all additional recommendations made by a Fire Officer.
The following hazards (in so much as can be identified) are considered by the Board of Management to be a source of potential danger and are brought to the attention of all concerned:
01: Wet corridors
02: Trailing leads
03: Computers
04: Guillotine
05: Projectors
06: Fuse Board
07: Electric kettles
08: Boiler house
09: Ladders
10: Excess Gravel on school yard
11: Protruding units and fittings
12: Flat roof of school
13: External stores to be kept locked
14: Lawnmower plus all garden equipment
15: Entrance/Exit of school
16: Garden stores
17: Icy surfaces on a cold day
18: Mats in hall plus other P.E. equipment
19: Windows opening out

To minimise these dangers the following safety/protective measures must be adhered to (see duties of employee pages 1-2 of this document):

Access to and operation of plant/equipment is restricted to qualified members of the staff, whose job function is that of running, maintaining, cleaning and monitoring particular items of plant in the course of their normal duties. Copies of this Safety Statement will be sent to all contractors prior to contract by the Principal/Board of Management. Any other contractors entering the school must be shown a copy of the schools Safety Statement and shall adhere to its provisions.
In addition all such plant and machinery is to be used in strict accordance with the manufactures instructions and recommendations.
Where applicable Board of Management will ensure that members of the staff will have been instructed in the correct use of plant, machinery and equipment.
All machinery and electrical equipment are fitted with adequate safeguards
Precautionary notices, in respect of safety matters are displayed at relevant points
Ladders must be used with another person’s assistance
Avoid use of glass bottles where possible by pupils. Remove broken glass immediately on discovery
Board of Management will check that floors are clean, even, non-slip and splinter-proof
The relevant postholder will check that P.E. equipment is stacked securely and is positioned so as not to cause a hazard and each P.E. teacher will ensure that the Hall is left in a tidy condition
Check that all PE and other mats are in good condition
An annual routine for inspecting furniture, floors, apparatus, equipment and fittings by principal and caretaker and/or relevant postholder
Check that wooden beams, benches etc, are free from splinters and generally sound. (class teacher)
Check that vaulting horses, beams and benches are stable and do not wobble when in use (class teacher)
Check that there are no uneven/broken/cracked paving slabs. (Caretaker, under Board of Management)
Check that roof guttering, drain pipes etc as far as can be seen are sound and well maintained. (Caretaker)
Check that manholes are safe (Caretaker)
Check that all play areas are kept clean and free from glass before use (Caretaker and staff)
Check that outside lighting works and is sufficient (Caretaker/Principal)
Check that all builders’ materials, caretakers’ maintenance equipment, external stores etc are stored securely. (Principal /Caretaker)
Check that refuse is removed from building each day and is carefully stored outside. (Caretaker)
Constant Hazards;
Machinery, Kitchen equipment, Electrical appliances

It is the policy of the Board of Management of Scoil Mhuire that machinery, kitchen equipment and electrical appliances are to be used only by competent and authorised persons. Such appliances and equipment will be subject to regular maintenance checks

Electrical Appliances:
Arrangements will be made for all appliances to be checked on a regular basis, at least annually, by a competent person (i.e.) maintenance person, the supplier or his agent. Before using any appliance, the user should ensure that:
All safety guards, which are a normal part of the appliance, are in working order
Power supply cables/leads are intact and free of cuts or abrasions
Appliances are unplugged when not in use
Suitable undamaged fused plug tops are used and fitted with the correct fuse.
Guidelines issued by the Health and Safety Authority are followed.

It is the policy of the Board of Management of Scoil Mhuire that all chemicals, photocopier toner, detergents etc be stored in clearly identifiable containers bearing instructions and precautions for their use and shall be kept in a locked area, and protection provided to be used when handling them (Caretaker/Cleaner/Principal where appropriate)

Drugs and medication:
It is the policy of the Board of Management of Scoil Mhuire that all drugs, medications, etc be kept in a secure cabinet, in a separate and secure place and used only by trained and authorised personnel.
See Administration of Medicine Policy.

To ensure the continued welfare of employees, a staffroom is provided. Staff should co-operate in maintaining a high standard of hygiene in this area. Staff members using the fridges are expected to remove any perishable uneaten food regularly. A dignity in work policy will be put in place in the school and the Board of Management is committed to providing a work environment free from harassment of any kind. The Board will ensure that any allegations of harassment are fully investigated and will be dealt with in a fair and objective manner. The Board acknowledges recent research by the ESRI that noted that stress, anxiety and depression are the second highest causes of work related illness in Ireland and are associated with the longest absence from work. Through the means of staff and peer support, Medmark andInspire(formally Carecall) staff will be supported through illness and or injury. In addition the school community will seek to develop a culture where a sense of belonging and connectedness is fostered.

A high standard of hygiene must be achieved at all times. Adequate facilities for waste disposal must be available. An adequate supply of hot and cold water, towels and soap and sanitary disposal facilities must be available.

Members of staff and students are reminded:
A person who is under medical supervision or on prescribed medication and who has been certified fit for work, should notify the school of any known side effect or temporary physical disabilities which could hinder their work performance and which may be a danger to either themselves or their fellow workers. The school will arrange or assign appropriate tasks for the person to carry out in the Interim.
Staff and students are not allowed to attend the premises or carry out duties whilst under the influence of illicit drugs or alcohol. Any person found breaking this rule will be liable to disciplinary action.

Highly Polished Floors:
It is the policy of the Board of Management of Scoil Mhuire that every attempt will be made to avoid the creation of slippery surfaces. The washing of floors shall be conducted, as far as is possible, after school hours to eliminate as far as possible, the danger of slipping. Where floors are wet, warning signs regarding wet floors shall be used. Attention is drawn to the possibility of outside floors, surfaces and drainage channels being affected by frost in cold weather.

It is the policy of the Board of Management of Presentation Primary School that the school and school grounds shall be non-smoking areas to avoid hazard to staff and pupils of passive smoking.

Broken Glass:
The Board of Management shall minimise the danger arising from broken glass. Staff are asked to report broken glass to the Principal/Caretaker so that it may be immediately removed.

IT resources:
It is the policy of the Board of Management of Presentation Primary School. that the advice contained in the guidelines on the safe operation of technology, issued by the Health and Safety Authority be carefully followed. Any up-to-date information regarding hazards relating to the use of technology will be studied and recommendations and directives implemented.

Infectious Diseases:
It is the policy of the Board of Management of Scoil Mhuirethat all infectious diseases shall be notified and steps taken to ensure the safety of staff and students against all such diseases. The Board of Management will endeavour to minimise the risk by adherence to sound principals of cleanliness, hygiene and disinfection and have provided disposable gloves for use in all First Aid applications, cleaning tasks, etc. Toilets and washrooms shall be provided at all times with an adequate supply of water, soap, towels and a facility for the safe disposal of waste.

2020 – See separate Covid 19 Policy and School Response Plan

First Aid:
At the start of the year staff meeting arrangements for giving first aid will be discussed and reviewed
Notices are posted in office detailing:
– location of first aid boxes
– procedure for calling ambulances etc.
– telephone numbers of local Doctor, Gardaí, Hospital
All incidents, no matter how trivial and whether to employees or to students or to members of the public must be reported immediately. This is necessary to monitor the progress of safety standards and to ensure that the proper medical attention is given where required. An Accident Report File is to be maintained for the recording of all accidents and incidents by attending members of the teaching staff.

The Principalwill see that there will be maintained in the school a properly equipped First Aid Box available to staff at all times containing:
Small roller bandages
Large roller bandages
Small conforming bandages
Large conforming bandages
Gauze swabs
Triangular bandages
Hypoallergenic tape
Sterile pads
Waterproof plasters
Finger bandages and applicators
Sterile dressings with bandages
Safety pins
Surgical gloves
Instant ice-packs
Kitchen Roll to be put around ice-packs
Cooling jel for burns
Frozen ice-packs in freezer of fridge
Sun cream

N.B. Children who may require particulat medical attention are to be identifiable to all staff and the location of medicines required to be clearly identified.

Disposable gloves must be used at all times when administering First Aid.
First Aid bags will be kept in the Principal’s Office.

A defibrillator is available in the sick bay and is checked regularly. Staff members have been trained in its use. The batteries are checked annually and replaced as necessary.

Access to School:
In as much as is compatible with the practical layout of the school premises, anyone entering the school premises shall be required to identify themselves to the Principal or the Secretary as relevant before gaining admittance to the school. Any contractor must make dirct contact with the Principal before initiating any work on the premises and shall be shown a copy of the safety statement applying to the school and shall agree to its provisions.

While work is in progress, any noise shall be avoided wherever possible during school hours and shall at all times be reduced to the minimum necessary. The contractor and his workmen shall not create any hazard, permanent or temporary, without informing the Principal or his nominated agent and shall mark such hazard with warning signs or other suitable protection.

If staff are working in the school outside school hours on their own they must inform a family member they are doing so and make known their expected time of return home.

Collecting Children:
All parents/guardians/carers in the interest of safety must obey all signs upon entering the school grounds
As a general rule parents are not allowed park in the school grounds. Exceptions are made with the agreement of the principal.
Children must produce a written note to class teacher, if being collected by parent/guardian before the end of the official school day.
Children who become ill during the day must be “signed out” by parent/guardian, when being collected. This record to be kept by the class teacher.

Children will never be allowed to walk or cycle home on their own, during school hours.
They must always be collected by parent/guardian or named other and they must make contact with a staff member when doing so.

Safe Work Practice Sheet
Cleaners must wear gloves when ringing out wet mops and when handling detergents to prevent dermatitis
Cleaners have been asked to ensure that their storeroom is always locked when they have finished using it
Teachers are asked to wear gloves when dealing with children’s wounds. This is especially important where blood is involved.
The Caretakers must wear protective eye coverings when using strimmers, electric or mechanical hedge clippers or other such equipment.
The Caretakers must wear gloves when using weed-killers or other chemicals that are considered damaging or likely to cause dermatitis.
Caretakers must wear protective masks to prevent the inhalation of gasses while using chemicals such as weed-killers and others.
Cleaners and Caretakers, teachers and secretary or others using the school, are all asked to ensure that cables/extension leads are tight against the wall or are not left in positions where they could cause tripping etc.
All staff members and all other employees are acquainted with the location and use of fire-fighting equipment. Dry powder fire extinguishers only may be used on fires caused by electrical appliances. The staff are acquainted with same.
Employees do not use step-ladders or other ladders without the assistance of a colleague.
Employees inspect step-ladders for loose steps, non-rigidity, proper locking bars before use.
Employees do not stand on chairs which are placed on tables, when changing light bulbs,
dusting etc…
Employees report defective equipment to the Principal
Employees report incidences of uncollected refuse
(14) Cleaners and Caretakers read the instructions and warnings on containers before using the contents. They follow the instructions re: Washing of eyes, if affected by splashing, use of protective masks, wearing of gloves etc.
Employees are requested to use travel mugs when moving around the school/grounds with hot drinks.
The Caretaker and Safety
(1) The school caretaker shall open the school gates and the yard doors in the morning checking
the area for any hazardous substances.
(2) He shall check that all windows are securely locked each evening.
(3) He shall check that all electrical equipment i.e. kettles, photocopier, hot water switches, burco
boiler etc. are switched off.
(4) He shall check regularly that the Switch Room is free from all materials foreign to this part of
the school.
(5) He shall check and keep the boiler house and oil/water tank house locked at all times.
(6) During exceptionally frosty weather, he shall ensure that the school heating system comes on fora few hours during the night and/or during weekends during the holidays.
(7) During holiday times, he shall keep the mains water controls in the “OFF” position.
(8) He shall see that the lawn mower is in good mechanical condition at all times.
(9) The caretaker shall use the lawnmower for school work only. Permission to use the lawnmower for any other purpose may be granted only by the Board of Management or by either Principal, representing the Board of Management subject to insurance conditions.
(10) The caretaker shall make himself familiar with all fire controlling equipment (including dry
powder fire extinguishers) on the premises, know where it is located and how to use it.
(11) He shall never allow cut grass, cuttings from hedges or weeds from flower beds to lie on
footpaths or on lawn edge overnight or at any other locations where they might be a
danger to persons overnight or during weekends.
(12) He shall ensure that all Exit Doors are kept clear during Concerts, Sales of Work, Meetings
etc. Exit doors must always be open on such occasions.
(13) Along with the Principal, he shall check at regular intervals that the Fire Alarm System is in
working order.
(14) The caretaker shall check the emergency lighting at regular intervals and especially before
school functions e.g. concerts etc.
(15) He shall be on the lookout for risk situations and shall repair faults or report them
to the Principal.
(16) He shall keep lawns, flowerbeds and pitches in good condition.
(17) He shall familiarise himself sufficiently with the school’s Safety Statement and especially
with those parts which are relevant to his own position.

The Assistant Principal 1 is responsible for Fire Safety. She organises:
Fire Drill at least once per term
Sees that the Fire Alarm System and Fire Extinguishers are in working order
Records the events of Fire Drills
She has prepared the following Fire Drill Organisation Plan after consultation with the other members of the Teaching Staff
Fire Drill Organisation
Assembly Point: Green Strip adjacent to car park.
Fire Drill Warning: When fire bell sounds there should be Silence in the classroom,
or wherever you are.
Evacuation: The teacher is in sole charge of her own class. Each class exits
in single file in silence. Teacher leaves last, making sure all windows
and doors are closed.
Teacher should bring attendance record with them.

Assembly: When pupils arrive at assembly, they should line up,
class by class, facing towards the school.
The teacher will then call the roll andreport the findings to the
Principal. If a child is missing his/her class teacher will leave his/her
class in the care of another teacher while she searches for the missing
The Principal, the Deputy Principal, the Assistant Principal and the Caretaker will wear hi-vis jackets during Fire Drill and in the event of a real fire.

Fire Drill / Exits
Exit 1: Beside Resource Room – Friary Street – Back door.
Exit 3: Beside Room 4
Exit 4: Sick Bay
Exit 5: Girls Toilets
Exit 6: Door to Senior Yard
Exit 7: Parnell Street Door
Exit 8: Main Door.

Fire Drill Arrangements
Exit 1: Rooms 10, 11, 12, 22 and 23.
Exit 3: Rooms 3, 4 and Principal
Exit 4: Rooms 1, 2 and 21
Exit 5: Rooms 5, and 15
Exit 6: Rooms 13, 14 and 19
Exit 7: Rooms 8, 9, 16, 17 and 18
Exit 8: Rooms 6, 7, 20 and Secretary

Assembly Points
4 16 17 18 9 8 7 6 5 15 14 3 2 1 13 12 11 10
Pupils and teachers line up at assigned numbers. The number corresponds to the classroom door number.
Further fire Precautions
Emergency Lighting and Exit Signs:
At the beginning of concerts, large meetings or whatever crowds are assembled in the Large G.P. room, the Principal or her representative (in her absence) ensures that attention is drawn to the location of the Emergency Lighting (rear of hall) and Exit Signs. This warning should be repeated at intermissions.
The water hydrants are located in the grass area outside the main door and the grass area outside
the playschool.

The Principal, the Caretaker and the Deputy Principal are all aware of these locations.
(3) Location of Fire Extinguishers:
Downstairs: Lobby at boys toilet.
Outside Room 4
Outside Room 5
Opposite Room 9
Inside Assembly Hall Door
On Stage
Room behind stage.
Boiler House
Staff Room
Upstairs: Outside toilets at room 10
Outside Room 13
Outside Board Room
Opposite Room 18
(4) The Main Traffic Entrance:
The parents are reminded at regular intervals both by the Principal in letter form and also by the caretaker, that the Main Entrance Gate should never be blocked by parked cars. This is to facilitate emergency services such as Ambulance, Fire Brigade and also to ensure the safety of the children when entering and especially when leaving the school grounds.
Cleaning the School (Hygiene)
The cleanersare in charge of the cleanliness of the interior of the school, subject to the Authority of the Board of Management. Hoovering, dusting, washing of “wet” areas, washing of sinks, toilet bowls, hand basins etc. is undertaken daily when the school is in operation.
When any member of the above mentioned staff becomes aware of any situation which they may be deem hazardous to the Safety, Health or Welfare of the staff members and/or children e.g. blocked toilets, faulty furniture etc. they notify the Principal.
They are aware of the location of the Fire Extinguishers and Hoses and know how to use them. They are aware of the numbers to dial to summon the Fire Brigade (Ambulance etc., 999 or 112) if necessary.

Identifying Hazardous Areas for Children:
The Caretaker’s Shed and Boiler House
The Cleaner’s Room beside the Principal’s Office.
The Car Park
Caretaker’s storeroom

Those 4 areas shall be strictly out of bounds for the children at all times except when accompanied by a teacher.
The Cleaners’ Room, the shed and Boiler House shall be kept locked at all times
First Aid Equipment must be stored in the principal’s office – or on high shelf in the resource room downstairs with the exception of plasters/antiseptic wipes used by playground friends under teacher supervision to attend to minor cuts and scrapes.
Children must never be allowed to plug in or unplug electrical appliances e.g. kettles, TV, hoover, computers, radios etc. Children are not permitted to carry these items.
Teachers and all other employees of the school are expected to be vigilant at all times, and to report to the principal, deputy-principal or staff safety representative any hazards which may come to the attention on the school premises – in rooms, corridors, toilets, halls, playground, playing fields etc.
The Caretaker has been asked by the Principal to remedy such hazards immediately when they come to her notice or are brought to her attention by any staff member, or other school employees.

Identifying the Hazards – Section 12 (3)
Teachers and ancillary staff (Caretaker, Secretary, Cleaners) are requested to conduct a Periodic Safety Check of their classrooms and/or workplace and to effect or to request immediate corrective action.

The restricted areas in our school are as follows:
The interior of the school during break/lunch times – rooms, corridors, toilets (except with permission)
flowerbeds, grassy area, (except with permission), the Caretaker’s shed and storeroom, the Boiler House, the wooded area (except during supervised science/nature lessons), the Principal’s office, the Secretary’s office, the staff carpark. These are restricted to authorised personnel only and such permission may only be granted by the Principal or a staff member acting on her behalf.

Hygiene is the concern of everyone in our school. Good hygiene is essential for the welfare of all the school. For this reason, any infringement of the Code of Discipline in this regard will be viewed with particular seriousness. Teachers are requested to train their pupils in good hygienic practices and in good manners. The Staff, teaching and ancillary, are requested to be vigilant in this regard and to bring to the notice of the Principal any corrective action which may be deemed to be necessary.

The Board of Management and Staff have identified the following areas of school life and activity as requiring special care in order to prevent injury or damage to members of the school community.

Activities outside the classroom especially games, the lines during assembly and after breaktimes and school exits on to main road. Teachers will exercise prudent judgement on the level of safety required and bring to the notice of the Principal any matter requiring corrective acrtion.
Activities inside the classroom, the hazards with potential for injury are activities involving the use (or misuse) of rulers, scissors, mathematical instruments, also moveable furniture. Pupils are trained to attend to their own safety and that of others by their own teachers.
Restricted areas – mentioned previously.
Hygiene: Pupils are trained to wash their hands after using the toilet, to flush the toilets after use etc. Personal Hygiene lessons are covered by the SPHE programme.
Fire Drill
First Aid (The Principal/Deputy Principal)

Our teachers are professional people trained to conduct group activity. They are committed people who try to exercise at least the level of care exercised by any diligent parent in the child’s home environment. However, some accidents may occur.

In the event of an accident it may be necessary to administer First Aid, dependant on staff members knowledge. Generally each teacher, if available, will attend to an injured child from his/her own class, though any staff member will be glad to help. The Principal/Deputy Principal is in charge of First Aid Equipment.

It is school policy to hand over an injured child as soon as possible to the care of the parents or guardians whose privilege it is to choose their own doctor, hospital etc. if the parents/guardians cannot be contacted the school Principal, the Deputy Principal or some other teacher in their absence will summon aid if deemed necessary or bring the injured party to the school doctor.

As a general rule parents are not allowed to drive cars in the school yard. Exceptions are made for children in crutches/wheelchairs or collecting a sick child during the school day. Buses are not allowed into the school yard.

The staff Safety Representative:
In accordance with section 13 (3) of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, the Assistant Principal 1 has been appointedas the school Safety Representative.The role of the safety representative is to represent colleagues(including non-teaching staff) in consultation with the employer on matters relating to safety, health and welfare. She may consult with and make representations to the Principal and the Board of Management on safety, health and welfare matters relating to employees in the school.She , having given reasonable notice to the BoM.,has the right to inspect all or part of the school. She has the right to inspect immediately where an accident or dangerous occurrence has taken place or where there is an imminent risk.

The Safety Statement has been prepared with reference to conditions existing in the premises of the school, at the time of writing. It may be altered, revised or updated so as to comply with any change of conditions and statutory requirements.

This Safety Statement is the product of extremely careful consideration over a long period of time and in all areas of school life, by the members of a staff who hold and have always held the welfare of the children attending the school in the highest regard. It is hoped that it will support and assist the people who work and study in the school.

Classroom and Internal Rules
01: Follow instructions given by teachers and/or principal, at all times
02: Sit properly on chairs, all four legs on the floor
03: School bags, neatly stored under tables in class
04: Walk ways in classrooms must be kept clear.
05: Hang all coats, jackets, gear bags etc on hooks in designated areas.
06: During wet days, pupils must sit during 11.00a.m. break and/or lunch break – no moving around
room allowed
07: No rulers, scissors, mathematical instruments tin whistles etc to be used (or to be in pupils’ possession)during break and/or lunch time, when pupils remain indoors.
08: Use all classroom and P.E. equipment, according to teacher’s instructions.
09: Never bang a door closed – be mindful of others
11: When moving around the school., always walk, never run
12: Walk in single file on the corridors following the arrows..
13. Hold on to handrail when going up and down stairs.
14: Watch where you are going – don’t look behind you while walking
15: At all times, think of your own safety and the safety of others – especially younger, smaller pupils

Wet Day Rules
01: Stay seated at all times
02: No rulers, pencils, scissors or any other dangerous implements in pupils’ hands
03: Only go to toilet with teacher’s permission, except in case of emergency
04: Sit down properly – four legs of chair on floor at all times
Yard Rules
01: Play safely – no rough play or “pretend fighting”
02: Stay in designated area of the yard
03: Pupils may not re-enter the school building without staff members permission
04: Report any problems/incidents to the teachers on yard duty
05: No swinging off basketball stands
06: No swinging out of coats/hoods
07: No throwing of clothes, hats, gear bags, shoes pebbles etc
08: Pupils may not bring toys onto the yard
09: Yard Out of Bounds area – The wooded area, around the water harvester.

Risk Rating and Controls
Hazards Risk Risk Rating Controls

Spilled liquid Injury due to slip/trip/fall H Spills dealt with immediately
Absorbent materials located near high spill risk areas
Slip/trip Injury from slip, trip or fall H High risk areas for slips, trips and falls are identified and dealt with eg single fine on the stairs
Equipment storage Injury from slip, trip or fall H School equipment is stored tidily
School bags stored tidily
Pupil belongings stored under desks
Floors and access routed kept clear
Floor mats Injury from slips, trips and falls H Heavy mats are used as instruction leaflet
Eg at front entrance hall
Wet area (Floors)
Injury from slips, trips and falls H All areas prone to constant wetting are identified
Sinks are kept clear to avoid overflow
#cables/flexes Injury from slips, trips and falls H Electrical outlets sited to avoid trailing cables
No trailing cables and flexes
Damaged Flooring Injury from slips, trips and falls H Poorly maintained or damaged floors or paving identified
Repairs carried out and steps taked to prevent future damage
Floor cleaning Injury from slips, trips and falls H Where wet cleaning, detergent is used and water is at the right temperature
Excess liquid is remved to assist the floor drying process. As far as possible, the floor is cleaned until dry
A system is used to keep pedestrians away from wet/moist floors eg wet floor sign
Cleaning is organised to provide dry paths through areas being cleaned
Warning signs are used
Shoes/footwear Injury from slips, trips and falls H Suitable slip resistant footwear is worn ad needed
Parents are reminded of the need to provide adequate footwear
Children do not participate in PE without suitable footwear
Damaged furniture Falls and related injuries H Broken furniture removed from service until repaired or replaced
Liquid spills/burns Scalds and burns H Staff members utilise travel mugs when walking around school/grounds
Students remain seated when eating and drinking
Adequate supervision for students when eating and drinking
Defective electrics Electrocution

Burns H Defective electrical equipment shall be clearly identified, labelled as out of use and stored.

Visual checks of electrical equipment
Socket Outlet

Report defect to caretaker and principal to ensure damaged electrical equipment is repaired/replaced
Sharp Objects Cuts/lacerations H Children’s scissors used by pupils

Pupils are instructed in the safe use of scissors

Knives, cutters and scissors checked for damage and disposed of if damaged.

Knives are never left soaking in the sink

Knives, cutters and scissors stored securely.
Fumes from paint/glue/cleaning products Respiratory irritation H When choosing chemical cleaners for use in the classroom, the least hazardous product id purchased.

Chemical products/materials are stored safely.

Gloves are used if required.

Children’s glue used (Non toxic)
Accessing high windows/notice boards
Falls H Window pole or step ladder used

General Considerations

Hazards Risk Risk Rating Control
Defective portable electrical appliances Burns
Electrocution H See above
Solvents and flammable materials Asphyxiation, Explosion, Fire H Solvents and flammable materials are stored in cabinets
Electrical faults Electrocution
Electrical shock
Fire H Equipment checked prior to use for faults

Electrical sockets not overloaded

All electrical faults reported to designated person.
Restricted access/egress Delays in exiting the building safely in the event of a fire H Fire exit doors checked regularly to ensure they open properly

Exit routes kept free from obstruction

School evacuation plan has been developed

Fire – Access/egress Death or injury H All fire doors are marked with a sign

All fire doors are fitted with an automatic self closing device

Fire Death or injury H Fire extinguishers in place

Al l staff know how to raise the alarm and contact emergency services.
Poor Lighting

Slips, trips, falls H External lighting is adequate and is switched on when evening events are planned such as meetings
Broken glass cuts H Broken glass should be removed. Replacement glass will be installed at the earliest opportunity.
Slippery walkways due to ice Slip, trips, falls H Caretaker applies salt or grit in icy weather
Person being struck by a vehicle Injury H Assembly points for emergency evacuations are clearly marked and are not located in an area likely to be required by the emergency services.

One way system for driving into and out of school car park

Gate is monitored at busy entry times
Handrails/steps Slips, Trips, falls H All steps have a handrail on one side
Doors requiring excessive force to open or close Person being hit by the door, hand injuries
H Doors are checked regularly to ensure they are opening and closing correctly.

Playground Hazards
Hazards Risk Risk Rating Control

Slips, Trips, Falls Injury H Pupils and staff informed of established school code of behaviour relevant to the playground
Playground supervision rota established and implemented
Dangerous objects/substances in playground Injuries/cuts/infections H Caretaker checks the playground for dangerous objects/substances
Use od protective gloves for removal of dangerous materials.
Incident of sudden sickness/injury in the playgrounds Illness, injury, trauma H Access assistance from nearest staff member
Bring student to the office and administrator appropriate first aid if student is ‘movable’
Inform principal and decide on appropriate further action or medical referral. Complete accident form for school records.
Collection of Students Access to students H Policy in place that required all visitors to report to reception.
Parents/guardians inform the school is someone other than designated person to collect student.
Principal/Deputy principal informed in advance of any visitors to the school eg guest speakers/theraposts
Aggressive or violent behaviour in the playground Injury H Access assistance from nearest staff member
Follow code of behaviour
Inform the principal
Call gardai if necessary
Hazards Risk Risk Rating Controls
Workplace Bullying Effects onphysicalhealth, (e.g.
raised bloodpressure)
Effects onmentalhealth,(e.g. stress,anxiety,depression)
Isolation. Lowmorale H The school is committed to ensuring that the place of work is free from bullying and that all employees have the right to be treated
with dignity and respect at work
Employees are aware of their responsibility in creating and contributing to the maintenance of a work environment free from
bullying or from conduct likely to contribute to bullying.

Allegations of workplace bullying are investigated fairly and
thoroughly without reprisals for the complainant.
Allegations of bullying are treated with fairness, sensitivity and
respecting the need for confidentiality for parties concerned.
Bullying at work by others such as parents or contractors, will not be tolerated and action will be taken to support the employee.
A complaint of bullying which is found, following investigation, to be vexatious will be dealt with through the disciplinary
Establishing a dignity at work policy.
Student Bullying Damage to physical and mental health H Employees are aware of their responsibility in creating and contributing to the maintenance of a work environment free from
bullying or from conduct likely to contribute to bullying.
Allegations of bullying are investigated fairly and thoroughlywithout reprisals for the complainant.
A copy of the anti bullying policy is available to view on the school

Staff Considerations
Pregnant/Postnatal or Breastfeeding Staff
Hazards Risk Risk Rating Controls

Contact with chemical agents Harm to unborn baby or breastfeeding mother H Pregnant, post-natal and breastfeeding women are not exposed to chemical substances, particularly where exposure levels are above a level which might cause harm
Contact with biological agents Infection H Pregnant, post-natal and breastfeeding women should avoid exposure
Long periods standing, movement or postures which are abrupt or severe or give rise to excessive fatigue Varicose Veins
Pelvic injury H Pregnant, post-natal and breastfeeding women should have provision to sit whilst completing work activities
Pushing/Pulling/Carrying heavy or awkward items Strain/Injury H Pregnant, post-natal and breastfeeding women are not required to lift, push or pull awkward or heavy items

Identification and Assessment of Hazards
Area: Interior Hazards:
Hazard Location Risk Suggested Remedy
Area: Yard Hazards:
Hazard Location Risk Suggested Remedy
Revision of This Safety Statement
This statement shall be regularly revised by the Board of Management of Presentation Convent N.S. in accordance with experience and the requirements of the Health and Safety Act and the Health and Safety Authority.

Signed on behalf of the Board of Management:
Chairman: _______________________________________ Date: _________________________

Principal: ________________________________________ Date: _________________________

Safety Officer: ____________________________________ Date: _________________________
(Nominee of Board of Management)

Safety Representative: _____________________________ Date: _________________________
(Nominee of Staff)


Presentation Primary School