Trips will be arranged at the discretion of the class teacher in consultation with the Principal.
Insurance Forms must be signed and returned for each pupil.
(Do not forget a form for any new pupil arriving during the school year)
I. Transport
> The transport organiser of the trip will ensure that:
(a) A form of transport, appropriate to the distance and the numbers travelling will be booked.
(b) The group will have access to the bus for the full day.
(c) All buses will have working seat belts and all children will be
belted in.
> Buses will be left litter free.
II. Venue:
Trips will be booked in good time. Venues will be chosen carefully
with regard to safety, suitability and educational value. Teachers will
ensure that venues are suitable for pupils with special needs.
III. Cost
The teachers will ensure that the cost of the trip is reasonable and represents
value for money. All children will be actively encouraged to save towards
the cost of the tour.
Payment must be made in advance by all participants in the tour. In
exceptional circumstances an arrangement regarding payment may be
reached in consultation with the Principal.
IV. Safety and Supervision
Because of our duty of care, teachers will provide adequate supervision
throughout the day. Where a venue provides its own supervision for
activities, the overall responsibility for supervision still falls on the teacher.
The needs of children with medical conditions will be taken into
consideration when planning school tours. A letter from the treating doctor
may be required.
V. Dress Code
Dress Code is as follows:
School Tracksuit and runners must be worn.
Outer wear to be decided, depending on weather conditions and venue.
VI. Conduct on Trips.
Pupils’ behaviour on tours will comply with the standard set down in the
School’s Code of Discipline.
Where it is felt that a child’s conduct would pose a safety risk or inhibit the
educational benefit for self or others the Principal/Class Teacher may refuse
the child permission to travel. Parents will be advised of this in advance.
VII. Informing Parents:
Standardised Information Sheet for parents, will be completed by Class Teacher for distribution. This will contain:
(a) Itinerary and timetable.
(b) Cost
(c) Recommended spending money.
(d) Special clothing necessary
(e) Lunch requirements.
VIII. Kit for Trip
Teacher will take a kit on all outings. The kit will contain:
(a) List of children travelling and parents’ contact numbers.
(b) First aid materials, refuse and illness bags, newspapers, kitchen
(c) Mobile phone.
(d) Tip for driver.
(e) Notebook and pen.
IX. The following are not permitted on school trip:
(a) Mobile phones
(b) Electronic devices
X. In the unlikely event that return journey is delayed by more than 30 minutes
the teacher will ring the Principal or Deputy Principal who will then send
text a parent.
XI. First Aid Box contains the following:
Tweezers / scissors / safety pins / disposable gloves SIDE POCKET
. Instant Ice Packs – activated by squeezing (see instructions on back of pack)
. J Cloths to put around ice pack – do not put ice-pack directly on skin – cover with J cloth.
. Sun Screen – factor 50.
. Cooling gel for burns, scalds and sunburn.
. Triangular bandage (to make sling – safety pins in side pocket)
. Small Roller bandages.
. Larger Roller bandages.
. Small conforming bandages
. Large conforming bandages
. Finger bandage and applicator.
. Hypoallergenic tape (to secure any of above bandages).
. Plasters of various sizes.
. Sterile wipes and swabs.
. Kitchen roll.
. Cotton pads
. Sanitising hand gel
If you feel the First Aid bags are missing important items please let the Principal know.
Signed of behalf of the Board of Management:
Signed: ____________________________________ Date: __________
Chairperson Board of Management
Signed: ____________________________________ Date: __________
Turas Scoile : School Trip
Class: _____________________
Room No.: _____________________
Date: _____________________
Venue: ________________________________________
Cost: _________To be paid in full by: _____________
Pocket Money: No more than €______is recommended.
Dress Code: School Tracksuit & runners must be worn.
Requirements: ____________________________________________
Departure: ____________________________________________
Return: ____________________________________________
Please collect your child at the Main Entrance to the School.
Updated June 2018